I am a fourth-year PhD student in Computer Science at Stanford University advised by Prof. Chris Piech.

My research interests center broadly around enabling high-quality education at a global scale, with a specific interest in scaling the human and social dynamics of learning to these settings. In 2020, I co-created Stanford Code in Place to teach intro programming course to 20,000 students with a team of 2,000 volunteer TAs.

Separately, I also enjoy doing research in theoretical computer science and have worked on several problems in computational complexity and learning theory with Prof. Li-Yang Tan.

I have a deep love for teaching and learning. As an undergraduate, I was fortunate to lecture a class on industry C++ programming! I also keep a blog on the side where I write about random Maths, CS, and Philosophy related gems that come my way.

Archive of Code

This is a compilation of various code snippets and programs I have written over the years. Examples include some interesting data structures, algorithms, interview problems, as well as other utility functions that I've found use for from time to time.

Particle Simulator

An event based particle simulator wrtitten in standard C++. Relies on Qt libraries for graphics.

Algorithm idea taken from Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.


An implementation of cosine-similarity based authorship identification written in standard C++. Example here used to identify who wrote a given unkown Federalist paper.

Snake Bot

A simple ASCII snake player written in C++. Idea from Keith Schwarz's CS106L course reader.

Smart Pointers

A really basic C++ implementation of Shared and Unique ptr.